"Spell-check, along with online search engines, may be convincing us that devoting energy to honing spelling skills is anachronistic." I strongly agree with this statement.
I believe that spell check and autocorrect is hurting the worlds ability to spell. When you type something in the search engine, most of time it will still find what you are looking for. So why bother remembering how to spell it? Or when you are typing a paper and you misspell a word. Most times it will underline in red and help you fix it. As long as you can get close to what you are trying to spell, then how cares if you know how to spell it? Wrong. It is very important for people to learn how to spell, and while I think autocorrect and spell check can be good they can also be very damaging. From personal experience I know that I am not a good speller and these things have made it worse for me. I don't bother to remember how to spell a word if Google or Microsoft will help me again later.
Here is someone that agrees.
"whatever the benefits quote"
I strongly disagree with this statement. I believe that it helps. It does so many positive things for children and aids in learning. It is not damaging for the kids learning.
I like your position on digital media and language. Spell check, if used properly, can help kids develop a more sophisticated understanding of words if they are taught to make sure spell check is spelling the word they actually want to use.