WebQuest Reflection
What makes a 'good' webquest?
There are a lot of good and bad webquests out there. The trick is finding one that will help students newly acquired information undergoes an important transformation within learners themselves (March, 2004). Webquests provide open ended questions and use hands on actives for students to learn how to apply what they are learning and thinking about. It is more than looking for information on the computer and making a PowerPoint on it. They learn to participate in a group and put their brains together and do high level thinking. Before the students start the webquest they still have to look up and learn information about what they are going to be working on. the students in the group are role playing different parts in the project. Students will contribute to the real world of learning.
I think that our reflection is considered a real webquest. Group process: they have to work in groups and use what they all know and come to together and build the cafeteria If they don't their measurements will be messed up and it wont fit the requirements that are needed. Individual information: they have to use what they all have learned from the different information they looked up. They will all have different background information that they already know. Use of Internet Sources: They have to use different internet sources that the webquest provided such as, funbrain and smartnotebook. They have to understand how to use them and then apply them to what they are learning to create a model of the cafeteria. If they dont their webquest will not be to scale and it will be messed up.
APA Source:
March, T. (2004, Jan). The learning power of webquests. Retrieved from http://tommarch.com/writings/ascdwebquests/
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