Monday, February 18, 2013

My Math Lesson Plan

M.O.A1.2.14 under algebra 1:
they have to understand the
definitions of these things
before they can apply them.
choose the most efficient method to solve quadratic equations by
  • graphing (with and without technology),
  • factoring
  • quadratic formula
After they complete this activity : they will be able to recite and apply the definitions shown and be able to solve problems and understand which methods to use.

Teaching Standard 2:

d. Provide students with multiple and varied formative

and summative assessments aligned with content

and technology standards and use resulting data

to inform learning and teaching

My lesson planThis lesson plan will help students lean to verify claims made in the media that use numbers.
My lesson plan ideas number 2


  1. Good lesson plan to prompt media literacy

  2. Be more formal in writing on your blog. For example:
    Instead of writing: This will teach kids about everyday stocks and also how to use math to be able to figure out if what everyone is saying on websites and tv is true.

    Write something like:
    This lesson plan will help students lean to verify claims made in the media that use numbers.

    1. I fixed my caption, is that what you were looking for?
