Friday, March 1, 2013

Learning styles

Learning styles don't exist....Video

1. Its not really three ways to learn but it is more of a way to store information.
2. The tests that they perform are not right because you are asking them to remember the meaning not the visual and the listening part of it.
3. When something is explained most people already believe this theory so that relate it to that, "that's the reason they understood it".
4. Teachers should not plan there lessons around the learning styles but by the child's personality and what motivates them.

Multiple Intelligence ..... video

1.  If they don't use the learning styles that fits that student best, it the long run they wont remember the information.
2. School systems don't incorporate the different learning styles so it is not fair for all students.
3. teachers should always be asking themselves am I reaching every student and is there something else I can do to help them learn?
4. Students don't need to graduate with all this random information but things that will stick with them and they will use after graduating.

How are they different and similar?

Learning styles are different from multiple intelligence because learning style is just focusing on one area of how someone learns. Multiple intelligence is incorporating their interests and areas that they are better in and combining them with others areas that they might not be good at.
, these two theories are connected by means of learning strategies. These strategies serve as enablers that help learners learn with perceptual strengths. At the same time, they provide a favorable environment that allows learners to engage intuitively their unique blend of multiple intelligences. When concept mapping and mental imagery are used as learning strategies to accommodate visual and auditory learners, spatial and linguistic intelligences can be expected to be involved due to the common characteristics these forms of intelligences share with visual and auditory learning styles.

1 comment:

  1. Nice work identifying the claims made in both the videos on learning styles and MI!
